Commack High School Boys Varsity Golf Practice

Golf is one of my favorite things to photograph, not because I’m a golfer, which I’m not, but because you rarely have a bad background. This differs from most other sports, where you rarely have a good background.

But backgrounds aside, there are some challenges when photographing golf. If you have a sunny day, like we had for this practice, chances are you’re going to have a lot of backlit photographs. This means some extra work in post-processing to remove color casts caused by the reflections off the green grass. Next, the whole idea of a good golf swing, they tell me, is to keep your head down. This means most of the time you’re going to get a lot of the tops of golfers heads without their faces so you need to hope they look up at some point. This problem is compounded if they’er wearing hats.

If you take all this into consideration you can still get some cool photos. You obviously need a L-O-N-G lens and you will probably need to dial in some negative exposure compensation for those dark backgrounds when the golfers are front-lit. Definitely worth the effort plus you get some good exercise.

Thanks to the nice folks at Crab Meadow Golf Course for allowing us to take these photos.


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